Every time I soak the beans and get them ready to cook, I look at the change process; the swelling of the beans, the discoloration of the skin, the peeling of the seed coats, the freshness and the spoiling process. I first define the body for myself, wondering whether it is possible to generalize the sense of taste and pleasure I get from food to a thoughtful action. What is the difference between the bean body and the human body consumption? I am trying to sort this issue out from a metaphorical state. In order to take possession of a piece of land, a human body, a delicious food, etc., we turn them into data, that removes their nature and meaning, to get them ready for consumption. There are mysteries, dangers and wonders in everything that our common customs turn them into a dull aesthetic eventually. Try baked beans once without soaking the beans and adding any spices!

Photos by: Nazli Abbaspour, Mahmoud Maktabi


“ Youtab ”

Group Exhibition | Sharif Gallery, Tehran
‏Selected by: Nazli abbaspour . Sarah Sasani

Hoofar Haghighi
Sarah Sasani
Nazli Abbaspour
Babak Kazemi
Katayoon Karami
mahmoud Mahroumi
Mahmoud Maktabi

‏Feb 26th – Mar 9th 2021

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